Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Well You've Never Been to Spain (but you've probably heard the music)

Hola de Catalunya!

Let me preface this with one fact. I love Barcelona more than any city I've ever been to. And the Catalunyans are the best people around. But seriously, if I hear Call Me Maybe one more time here, I'm going to shake the nearest Spaniard and demand an answer to why they listen to this crap.

American music is running rampant throughout the world. I think it's an epidemic. We have to listen to it in the states all the time, in the grocery stores, pumping through the nearest Hollister, and even out of the mouths of children. And while I do love my home country, the top 40 stuff is really awful the majority of the time. For some reason the Spanish people are fascinated with American culture. My host brothers, Jesús and David, love Jersey Shore. I think that's the worst show that was ever invented, but don't mind me. The worst part is, I was talking to David about why he liked the show, and he told me that it's because Jersey Shore is American. Really American. That's what they do all the time. *cough* Ahem? I tried arguing that Jersey Shore is not even close to what we college-aged Americans do with our spare time, but to no avail.

So this post is somewhat of an urge to American people to watch what we're watching. What we find entertaining will then become popular throughout the world. For goodness sake, I heard Call Me Maybe after the final Barca chant at the end of the game on Sunday night. Talk about ruining a moment. And I know I sound terribly pretentious, but it's my blog, so...yeah. Anywho.

Back on the subject of music, I heard amazing Spanish music yesterday. We were walking around the Cathedral in the gothic quarter, and a small accoustic band was playing in a tiny little placa. Looking at all of the old, ancient architecture and hearing traditional, beautiful Spanish music gave me chills. I wish the people knew how amazing they are and that they don't need our crappy American pop culture to be cool. Spain is too cool for us anyway.

(p.s. Check out this video to see kind of what I'm doing here)


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