Liverpool, England. The most wonderful place for a lifetime Beatles fan to go. It was very cold, very rainy, but absolutely perfect. It's exactly like I pictured it to be, but better. Am I gushing?
I got into Liverpool last Friday, and I walked off the plane wearing the sandals that had been perfectly comfortable in Spain. Let me tell you, sandals in Liverpool in October are generally not a great idea. But my wonderful friends, Maci and Kelsey from NCC, and my new friend Carly picked me up from the John Lennon Airport. (Which has the tagline of "Above us only sky" how quaint!) After changing shoes, and dropping my bags, we hit the City Centre! The centre was really cool, although the architecture in Spain is better... *cough* But one thing they have downtown Liverpool that we are missing in Barcelona, is donuts. Seriously the best donuts I've ever had in my life, four donuts for a pound fifty. Pretty much heaven. We also hit a restaurant for lunch that had amazing burgers. I haven't had a burger that good since I left the states. Do I talk about food this much in normal conversation? Anyway, they also had fantastic cider that tasted like Christmas. Thank you, Frank, for the recommendation, it was delightful. After having a great lunch with new and old friends, and buying some thicker socks from the Primark, I was reunited, dramatically and romantically, with Jessica Coffey. (You can follow her *delightful* blog here: My weekend was nothing short of incredible. It was so nice to be back with someone that knows me well. And does she know me... I think her flatmates were a little frightened of our love affair. But it was great! The four of us girls went on a much needed grocery store run, and I got some Cadbury chocolate and Earl Grey tea. When in England...gorge yourself as the English do.
The nightclub we hit the first night was much like the clubs in Barcelona, lots of scantily clad youth jiving to American music. It was great to hang out with everyone though, and I didn't have to be nearly as careful with my stuff as I do in Spain (I actually took both hands off of my purse to dance! Although I still checked to make sure it was there every 30 seconds or so.) But the nightclub to end all nightclubs was Saturday night. At the Cavern Club.
Jess and I at the Cavern Club |
Four slackers in leather jackets |
Seriously, I have no idea how the Beatles wore leather jackets in that club. I was wearing a tank top and about to sweat to was ridiculous. Now mostly it was old people dancing with their spouses, which was very cute. But it was also a strange form of karaoke night. The cover band played Beatles songs from the early years (which is to be expected) and they also played background for people to come up and sing karaoke. So strange...but really entertaining to watch. I did not participate, because I was still sober and sane. But I had a scotch and coke, which is what the Beatles used to drink at the Cavern, so I'd say it was a pretty holistic experience. I also managed to make it to the following famous places:
Albert Dock |
Penny Lane |
The abandoned Sgt. Pepper's |
So I saw some pretty awesome places that were important to the Beatles, and therefore important to me. But that's not even the best part about Liverpool. (Gusher warning) Even through all of the cold and the rain, I've never been to a town where the people are so open and friendly. I feel like I could be invited to dinner with any person I strike up a conversation with. The streets are covered with leaves, and it smells like home. (Sorry Barcelona, but you kind of stink.) It's just the most incredible town that has all of the city aspects that I love, and the small town feel on the outside. Jessica and I were talking about how we feel like we have a deeper understanding of the Beatles' music after having walked around Liverpool. It's a cold that is almost comforting. You know that you'll get out of it soon enough, and you can warm up with a cup of tea in a few minutes. Even though I currently have a cold and an ear infection from the English rain, I don't regret going in the slightest. The people I met in one short weekend will have a spot in my heart forever. I have no doubt in my mind that one day I will live in Liverpool. And maybe, just maybe, Jess and I will share a cozy little flat in Aigburth Park.
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